October 18, 2021

The importance of a website

FILED IN: Design

In this blog you’ll find out why it is SO important to have a website for your business!

I don’t want you to feel like you’re reading for hours so I’ll get straight to the point with this one.

– Number 1: It shows your professionalism! 

– It makes it very easy for people to find you!

– It gives you credibility and shows you mean business! 😉

– Brand wise: it establishes who you are!

– It increases your chances of getting leads! LOVE THAT!

– An SEO-optimized website gives  a chance of showing up in Google search results!

– It helps customers find useful information!

– It’s easy to post updates and announcements to your customers!

– Your site is basically your first impression!

– A good Portfolio helps build the trust of people into your business.

If these reasons alone don’t show you the importance then I don’t know what will, LOL. But don’t just go with any old plain website. Have something done that really resonates and feels like YOU. I’d love to work with you but I’ll share some links to sites I’ve done so you can check out how you feel about my work for yourself!

Photographers, Videographers, Bloggers, commerce, This is for you! And so many others!




Fill out my contact form here on my website to chat with me!


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We are the girls who help you build your dream brand and attract clients the right way. Web design, branding, seo & More.
